On Sunday 25th January 2015 Jean Coombes, the Hindhead Golf Club 2015 Ladies’ Captain, took part in the traditional Captain’s Drive-in to mark the start of her Captain’s year along with the Club Captain, Chris Osborne and Junior Captain Ben Bushnell.
There then followed a greensomes competition with 96 Hindhead Members battling with the course. This was the final event of a full weekend, which started on the Friday evening with the annual President’s Dinner, where Members were entertained by comedian Ian Richards. Saturday evening saw the Club’s Annual General Meeting and confirmation of the elections of the Captains before Sunday morning’s Drive-in.
The 2015 Ladies’ Captain, Jean Coombes, has chosen the Contented Dementia Trust as her charity; there will be several fundraising events throughout the year. Take a look at the Club website http://www.hindheadgolfclub.co.uk/

The 2015 Captains (L to R): Ladies’ Captain, Jean Coombes; Club Captain, Chris Osborne; Junior Captain: Ben Bushnell.