The ultimate test of the SPECAL method is how it has transformed the lives of the many people we have worked with.

Here are a few of the unprompted comments we have received from SPECAL trainees, Friday Group observers and SPECAL-led carers:

“Although the principles are simple the whole process of re-thinking the way a person with dementia should be treated is quite radical and mind–blowing.”

Superb – an absolute eye opener. SPECAL’s approach is not to be missed if working in dementia care.

“The work the Contented Dementia Trust do is so valuable and makes such a tremendous difference for so many people who feel desperate about loved ones. If only people faced with dementia knew instantly of your wonderful organisation it would relieve so much stress and fear – we all need educating!”

“It is frustrating that the SPECAL method seems to be the best kept secret in dementia care.”

“My only regret is that we didn’t discover the SPECAL method sooner, but on behalf of us all I find it impossible to fully express our gratitude that we did make contact with you and how much that contact improved the quality of my mother’s life.”

“I came away having learnt a different approach – a kinder way that seems to make so much sense of how to help whilst allowing the person to retain their dignity.”

“The SPECAL method has helped me a lot, because now I think… ‘how would SPECAL react to that?’ and I act accordingly. It really helps. I find it so much easier to cope.”

“The most important thing about the SPECAL method is that it actually works!”


In a lead letter to The Daily Telegraph Letters to the Editor on Saturday 19th January 2013 from His Honour Ian Alexander QC – “The treatment of dementia sufferers without the use of drugs”


The Contented Dementia Trust is committed to a programme of practice based service development and research to ensure that we remain at the cutting edge in our field. Find out about our research here


Find out more about how the SPECAL method works and share the personal stories of family carers.